Please note all our classes need to be prebooked this can be done at our website a Regency Dress
October Oct 3rd-4th 10.30am-4.30pm each day
Learn how to cut, sew and finish a regency style dress with costume maker Dawn Wood
You will learn how to adapt a pattern from extant clothing information, to fit you and learn historical stitch techniques to get the correct finish.
You will then be given information on how to use this basic pattern to make a variety of regency style garments covering the period 1795-1815
The class takes place over 2 days.
£70 plus materials. Refreshments, but not lunch, included
Places are limited to 6 on this class
Next steps in sewing using your own machine October 10th
We have had a number of requests for classes on how to make cushions, lampshades etc, so are running a couple of separate classes on our taster Homewards day.
Please note these are not beginner classes, you will need to know how to thread and use your machine
Cushion Making 10.00 -1.00
Learn how to make a basic cushion, pipe, ruffle or appliqué detail, tie, button or zip finish, the choice is yours
£25 inc pad + covering materials
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
Tie backs 2.00pm-4.30pm
You will learn how to make formal tie backs with stiffener and piped finish
£20 + covering materials
Credit Crunch Christmas Textiles October 17th 10.30-4.30pm
Stuck for Christmas presents and want to give something more personal this year, we have a created a number of days where you can just come along and make pretty stuff.
On our Textiles Day bring along lovely fabrics, scraps of lace, old buttons etc and turn them into gorgeous gifts, from lavender bags, covered hangers, corsages, pincushions, pj cases and many other ideas, the choice is yours, make as many or as few items as you can fit into the dayTop of Form
£35 + materials. Refreshments, but not lunch, included
Lantern Making October 24th 10.30-4.30
Dawn Sharkey shows you how to make a traditional withy lantern and then a pumpkin one using lino cutters through the rind so the shell is intact, but the light glows through, very lovely
£35 including materials. Refreshments, but not lunch, included
Oct 25th 10am-4pm
Learn to sew using your own machine
have a sewing machine but don't know really how to use it then come along to our class where you will learn the basics of sewing and what it can do.Depending on how quickly you pick it up you will leave with a cushion and hints and tips about getting the best from your machine plus basic sewing skills
cost £35 + materials. Refreshments, but not lunch, includedplaces are ltd to 6 for this class
Children's Fancy Dress Using your own machine
October 31st 10.30-4.30
We have had a number of queries to run a basic fancy dress making class so here we are just in time for Halloween
Sue Ottley will show you how to adapt a simple multi garment child's pattern into an assortment of ideas using very little effort and lots of imagination.
Please note all our classes need to be prebooked
cost £35 + materials. Refreshments, but not lunch, included.This is not a beginners class you should know how to thread up and use your machine and be able to sew a basic seam. Please note you will not be able to bring your child to the class for health and safety and legal reasons
places are ltd to 6 for this class
There is no crochet club in October due to our being present at the fashion show for Breast Cancer Haven at Quid Pro Quo that day, however Crafty Club will be back in October after it’s summer break
I’ve also been shortlisted in the categories local designer and lingerie in the Leeds Retail Awards, and would be grateful for any votes you may like to cast for me